
We're Glad You're Here!

Our church is more than just a place to go or an event to attend; we are a community of people who have been changed by the love of God and want to change our community in response. It's our desire to make known the good news of God's love within our own congregation as well as outside the walls in our community. Following the model of Jesus, it's the heart of our church to love those around us by meeting their needs, sharing our lives, and offering them the life-changing grace of the Christian faith. We believe that it's the gospel of Christ that truly changes people, and these people are the ones who truly change the world. We would love to welcome you into our community and walk alongside you to serve those around us in the name of Jesus.

Get in Touch

We would love to meet you at one of our services! You can also feel free to contact us using the information below.

Service Times & Location

Meeting Location

236 W. Mountain St (Suite 117), Pasadena, CA 91103

Sunday Mornings

10:00 am

Prayer Line - Every Monday 6:00 am

Zoom Meeting - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82655856018?pwd=UGFPUEpTLzBIVkJvOERGa1ZTRStUUT09

Thursday Workshops

6:00 - 8:00 pm

Contact Information

Mailing Address

236 W. Mountain St (Suite 108-D), Pasadena, CA 91103


(626) 714-7722 | Admin@HarvestVillage.org